Solomon and helping your neighbor

2 Chronicles 4-6

So in today's reading of, 2 Chronicles 4-6, we see God fulfill His promise to David, and we see that our heart matters to God.

Even though David couldn't build the temple because of David's heart, God allowed David's son to do what was in his father's heart to do.

Our heart matters.  Be sure to examine yours throughout the day everyday.

The other moving thing I saw in 2 Chronicles is the pleasure God gets when we, His children, worship Him with true hearts.  I loved reading about the cloud coming into the worship service and God being in the midst of it.

Do you worship in such a true manner that you know God is pleased and among your worship to Him?

Luke 10

Who is your neighborHow helpful and neighborly are you to those who are different from you?  It's easy to come to the aide of someone of the same faith, race, status, and what have you, but how eager are you to help someone who is totally different?

Ask yourself that question and examine your heart.

Remember we can fool others and sometimes we can even fool ourselves, but you cannot fool the true and living God.  He knows what's in your heart and He examines it.

Praying the Scriptures back to God, Psalm 73 and 74

The last time we were together to read the Scripture passages from She Reads Truth yearly plan, I gave you the wrong month. Bear with me please as I figure out exactly how I will share so much of the Bible resources that I'm finding with you.

Today our Bible reading will come from Psalm 73-74.

Psalm 73

Self-pity, I don't know about you, but I've sure experienced my fair share of it.

This Psalm illustrates the results of allowing our faith in God to be buried under self-pity.

The psalmist became so depressed when he contrasted the seeming prosperity of the wicked with the difficulties of living a righteous life.

We start to see a shift in his attitude in verse 15.  He starts to look at life from the perspective of being under the control of a sovereign and holy God where he concludes that the wicked, not the righteous have blundered.

Psalm 74

The community express their agony of the people in the midst of the most excruciating of circumstances.  Their enemies have destroyed their temples, but worse, it seems, to the psalmist anyway, that God had abandoned them.

Do you know what this feels like?  To feel like God has abandon you and your enemies, the unbelievers are getting away and prospering for being in the state their in?

Have you ever felt the need to pray and "remind God" so to speak of what His Word says concerning you, His child?

That's what we see the psalmist doing here.  He reminds God of His bond with Israel, His past supernatural deeds in protection of Israel and begs God to save His covenant nation now.

I call this, "Praying the Scriptures."

Do you pray Scriptures often in your own life?

Seamless, Angie Smith Biblestudy

Here’s how this will work: Each week, you’ll come here and watch the video with Angie Smith. The videos are about 5-10 minutes long and have some fresh insight from Angie. She will lead us through the Seamless study week by week. Once you watch the video, we have some questions for you to answer in your group or in the comments section of the post (or in both!).

We want this to be available to those who are studying together and those going solo. Some of the questions ask you to get to know your fellow Bible study participants and we hope the interactions you have will be both challenging and encouraging. Each week at the end of the video, Angie will let you know the homework assignment for the next week.

You can do the homework in the Seamless Bible Study Book. We highly recommend you getting a copy for this study, since that is where most of the studying will take place! You can get a copy at your local LifeWay Store, by clicking here, or get an ebook version here. That’s it! The study will be seven weeks long (including this little introduction week).

To sign up for this Bible Study go to Lifeway Women's Blog


Good morning (or afternoon) ladies!

This morning we're doing our reading from She Reads Truth.  They recently announced a new venture with  Lifeway.

So as you may or may not know, She Reads Truth has a lovely Bible reading plan to help you read the Bible in a year (I think).  I just started it yesterday so what I'm sharing today is not from Day 1.  If you want to start at Day 1 of this year or the first of this month just go to their website.

You can also go to their site to get their perspective on our daily readings.  They are way more formal and knowledgeable.

I have some thoughts on today's reading which I'm going to share shortly.  But gosh I can't wait to hear what you all gleaned from today's reading too.

For those of you doing the What is Love Bible study with me, see details from one of yesterday's post on how we're doing that.  I went ahead and added the first video from Kelly and also included the link for you to click to Lifeway Women's blog if you wanted more.  Keep doing your daily Bible lessons and we will discuss that study on Tuesday.

Later today I will post information on Angie Smith's study.  I know Angie from being a part of (in) Courage.  I think I came across her in 2009 or 2010.  She's a sweetheart. 

So let's get into today's Bible reading and my thoughts.

Let's get something straight up front.  I'm not a Bible scholar, but I want to share with you the particular sentences and/or verses that really caught my eye and caused me to pause and ponder a little longer.

I've read the story of Joesph many times, but not until now did I really notice that even though God was causing Joseph to prosper while in jail, Joseph wanted out.

However in him wanting out he still made the best of where he was

What I relearned from reading about Joseph and told myself

Wherever you find yourself, Angie, be all the way there.  Do what your supposed to do with your hands, be faithful and allow God to prosper you.  Don't focus so much on prospering, but rather always doing your best.

What I learned from reading John 16 and told myself

Reading this passage was a bit eerie for me.  I see that John was living in a time or was about to enter into a time very similar to what we're in now.  This passage reinforced a lot for me too.

I will be reading it throughout the day, but one thing I feel impel to share is the particular Scripture below.  With all that's going on in the news about people doing Gods work and killing one race or ethnic group for God, this stood out.

". . . an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God.  . . . These things they will do because they have not know the Father or me." John 16: 2b-3
Now sister how did God speak to you in these passage of Scripture?  The community would love to hear from you.

Feel free to share your comments here, or come to the Facebook page and leave a short message there.  While there be sure to like the page and then follow us on Twitter too.

I will post lots of encourage messages from Lifeway Bible Study teachers, from Lifeway's Women Blog and the things I find on their various social media sites to keep you uplifted or to share what they're doing.

I'm going to put the video up that She Reads Truth shared also telling about the upcoming venture they have with Lifeway.

I just love Lifeway and will be headed there in a couple of hours to pick up some goodies!

Download She Reads Truth FREE Bible Reading Plan.

Thanks ladies,


Beth Moore, how do we pray God's Word?

How do we learn to pray God’s Word? Simply put, praying God’s Word means speaking His language. It means talking to Him using His words. Don’t waste time looking for a “formula” or “right” way to pray God’s Word back to Him. This process comes from what is in your heart and on your mind.
To get you started on this road, I will share my approach. Whenever you read your Bible, watch for passages to talk with the Father about. Especially be on the alert for any Scripture that reflects the mind of Christ toward strongholds in your life.

When you are struggling with a specific issue, use a Bible concordance or topical Bible resource to search for Scriptures pertaining to your need. You may not find a detailed description of your stronghold in Scripture, but you will definitely find verses that apply. Ask God to guide you (Ps. 25:4-5) and to open your eyes to His Word (Ps. 119:18).

If you’re not sure how to use Bible resources like a concordance, ask someone to help you.
When a passage speaks to you, it’s time to pray God’s Word. You can reword the passage into a prayer in any way God leads you. Here are some examples. I have referenced the passages involved.
  1. Restate God’s truth, affirming your faith: Father, thank You that You are always good and that Your love endures forever (1 Chron. 16:34).
  2. Talk to God about passages you don’t understand: Father Your word says, “Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did” (1 John 2:6). I know that I do not live up to that standard. Please help me understand and walk like Christ.
  3. Ask God for what you need: “‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:24).
  4. Confess sin and ask God to change your life: Father, I know that You hate pride and arrogance (Prov. 8:13); yet I see the ugly face of pride in my life. Teach me today to be compassionate and humble (1 Pet. 3:8).
Grab your sample of session 1

{This is an excerpt from Lifeway's Women Blog}

What Love is, A Bible study with Kelly Minter

Here’s how this will work: Each week, you’ll come here and watch the video with Kelly Minter. The videos are about 5-10 minutes long and have some fresh insight from Kelly. She will lead us through the What Love Is study week by week. Once you watch the video, we have some questions for you to answer in your group or in the comments section of the post (or in both!).

We want this to be available to those who are studying together and those going solo. Some of the questions ask you to get to know your fellow Bible study participants and we hope the interactions you have will be both challenging and encouraging. Each week at the end of the video, Kelly will let you know the homework assignment for the next week.

You can do the homework in the What Love Is Bible Study Book.

We highly recommend you getting a copy for this study, since that is where most of the studying will take place!

The study will be seven weeks long (including this little introduction week).

Not sure if the study is for you?  Or maybe you don't have the money to get the book right away.  Try this free Living Room version of the first 5 days to get you started here.

Go to Lifeway's blog,

What Love is, A Lifeway Women Bible Study: Kelly Minter

It's been a long time since I've blogged about anything regarding my faith.  If you don't know me, I use to blog over at Gateways to Joy.

I've loved and appreciated ladies Bible studies since first being introduced to them by the late-dear Elisabeth Elliot and Beth Moore.

I thoroughly enjoy Bible studies, and even more so I love Lifeway Christian Bookstore, thanks to their ladies Bible studies I've grown a lot spiritually.  I've always wondered how I can give back and say thanks to how I've been able to grow through their resources, so I've decided to share the studies that they offer with you.

What will we study first?

Our first study comes as a referral by another Houston Girl- Mrs. Beth Moore herself.
I'm a day late getting all of this to you and admittedly I have to go to Lifeway in the morning to get the book.

How will the study go?

The study is 7 weeks long and we will begin June 16 and end July 28 (the posts will stay up after that time, though!). Each week, we will have a blog post with a video message from Kelly unique to the online Bible study and a few questions for you to answer in the comments. We believe strongly in learning and growing in community, so we hope you’ll invite a few local friends and neighbors to join in this study with you. We also understand that isn’t always possible, so we hope you will develop community with others here on the blog.

You can go here to sign up

How it will happen here

I will share my readings and thoughts with you here and want you to share what you have to say and think with me here too.

Please let others know about the study as well, thanks.